Thursday, 23 October 2008

Granite radon scare

There have been some articles appearing in the mainstream US press regarding granite countertops and radon. Radon is a radioactive gas which is known to cause lung cancer. When purchasing a house it always worth having it checked for radon, as if the property was built on ground which is predominantly granite then it may emit elevated levels of radon which could damage your health. Recent reports in the US have suggested that the level of radon present in granite countertops could have a long term effect on a user’s health, this is completely FALSE!


I have worked with many forms of granite, slabs, tiles, chippings, rocks etc and will continue to do so whilst ever I am operating within the natural stone industry, If I do ever contract lung cancer then I am 100% confident this will be down to the Philip Morris company and the 20 a day of there product I consume, rather than Granite!  It is interesting to note that reports coming out of the industry suggest that the research done into granite countertops and radon were funded by some of the largest quartz composite companies in the world. Quartz being completely radon free and Granite’s main competitor. 

1 comment:

Vito Products said...

A slab is a length of metal that is rectangular in cross-section. It is created directly from continuous casting or indirectly by rolling an ingot.[1] Slabs are usually further processed via flat rolling, skelping, and pipe rolling. Common final products include sheet metal, plates, strip metal, pipes, and tubes.


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